Note: Even though most of us aren't back on the mats just yet, we can't help but think about when we will be. This article was written with an eventual return to the mats in mind. 

BJJ Training Goals

One of the most amazing things about jiu-jitsu is that it draws people from all walks of life. Over the years, like most of you, I've trained with men and women, old and young, of all colors, from any number of professions and backgrounds.  The mats truly are a melting pot.  An expression I've always liked reads like this:

"It ain't where you're from, it's where you're at."

When you train jiu-jitsu, you share the bond of learning a beautiful martial art with everyone else who is stepping on those mats with you.  It's a community and a culture that Rolljunkie is proud to be a part of.

All of that said, it is also important to set goals when you train and understand that others may have significantly different goals than your own.  Setting goals will help you progress and track your development.  In addition, for many, goals help keep you motivated and striving for something other than just the next belt promotion.

bjj training goals

Your goal may be to succeed in competition at the highest levels or it may be to get some exercise and lose weight. Both are worthy. And while the road to accomplishing these goals is wildly different, these goals intersect often when you step on the mats.  If you're training multiple times a day to win IBJJF Worlds, train hard, get better, and work toward your goal.  But also take a moment to understand that some of your partners may only be on the mats once or twice a week and need to work a full-time job in the morning. You'll probably want to roll lighter with them.  On the other hand, if you're hitting the mats and just looking to get in shape, know that your partner will typically respond to your level of energy.  If you go hard and aggressive, that energy will be returned. How you roll with one partner may be significantly different than how you roll with another too. Some partners just match up well with how you like to train and that's okay. It's part of what makes jiu-jitsu great.

Other Resources:

Want to know more about jiu jitsu belts, check out our jiu jitsu belt guide.
Beginning BJJ and want to know what to expect, read our bjj white belt tips.
Have you wrestled before?  Here is our take on jiu jitsu vs wrestling.
Learn what to wear under your gi.








June 16, 2020
Tags: Training

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